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I’m a new member, when will I receive my bin and bags?
Welcome to Ridwell! We’re so thrilled to have you as a new member! Your bin and bags will be delivered no later than 3 days before your first pickup (usually much earlier than that!…
1 yr ago
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How do I find out if Ridwell is in my area/location?
We currently serve neighborhoods in the Seattle, Portland, Denver, Twin Cities, Austin, Atlanta, Los Angeles and the Bay Area! To see if we service your neighborhood, please visit https://www.ridwell.…
8 mths ago
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Do you have a drop off location or offer one-time pickups?
We do not have drop-off locations or one-time pickups available at this time and we apologize for any inconvenience. We are happy to help you find resources for where to bring your individual items,…
3 yrs ago
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How much does Ridwell cost? How do the subscription plans work?
Ridwell offers three membership plans, which you can choose to pay for on either a monthly or annual basis. Plans start as low as $14/month, but prices can vary by location, membership plan,…
1 yr ago
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I live in an apartment/condo, can I sign up for Ridwell service?
Absolutely! We can serve individual customers in apartments, condominiums, and other multifamily housing.* We recommend checking on a few things first if you decide this may be a good fit for you: 1.…
1 yr ago
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Can my business use Ridwell?
While we’re not yet offering business-specific memberships to businesses/commercial buildings, we hope to soon! In the meantime, we do work with some businesses who sign up for a normal household…
3 yrs ago
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Should I clean my Ridwellables? How clean is “clean”?
A big part of the reason we can recycle as much from our members as we do is because they do such a phenomenal job of cleaning what they give us! Our partners can only take clean and dry materials,…
1 yr ago
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How can I share Ridwell? Do you have a referral program?
Thank you so much for wanting to share Ridwell! We have two types of referrals that you can give out: A free month trial that you can give out through your "Share" page on…
1 yr ago
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How do I buy a gift card?
Thank you so much for giving the gift of Ridwell! You can visit our gift card page to purchase a digital gift card anytime! Want to buy a gift card for someone who already has a Ridwell membership?…
1 yr ago
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Where can I read Ridwell blog posts?
The Ridwell blog is an amazing spot for resources, news, tips & tricks, all written by members of the Ridwell team. You can access all blog posts here, and we've highlighted a few favorites below!…
3 yrs ago
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Can I tour a Ridwell warehouse?
While we do not offer warehouse tours at this point, we are definitely looking into this as a future possibility! We’ll make sure to let our members know if this is something we begin offering down…
3 yrs ago
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I received a Community Supported Membership. What does it cover, and how do I activate my account?
First of all, welcome to Ridwell! We’re excited to waste less together with you. Your Community Supported Membership covers 6 months of core Ridwell services free of charge.…
2 yrs ago
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What is a Community Supported Membership and how can I apply for one?
Applications for Community Supported Memberships are currently closed. Thank you for your interest and support! Community Supported Memberships are free 6-month Ridwell memberships made possible…
2 yrs ago
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Why has service paused in unincorporated Washington and Clackamas Counties?
UDPATE: To find up-to-date information on the ongoing situation in unincorporated Washington County, please check this page. We continue to be unable to provide service in unincorporated Clackamas…
2 yrs ago
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