Where is clear plastic clamshell service available?

Written by Emily updated 1 mth ago
  • updated 1 mth ago

Clear #1 PET plastic clamshell service is currently only available in limited areas. Check below to see if clear plastic clamshells are available in your area.


Greater Portland area
Clear plastic clamshells are available to all Ridwell members in the Greater Portland area, including Vancouver, WA and surrounding areas. If you live in or near Portland and have Ridwell service, you have access to our clear plastic clamshell service!

Greater Puget Sound area
Clear plastic clamshells are available to Ridwell members in the following zip codes: 98110, 98208, 98201, 98203, 98204, 98033, 98034, 98258, 98012, 98043, 98275, 98052, 98053, 98296, 98072

South Puget Sound area
Clear plastic clamshells are available to Ridwell members in the following zip codes: 98001, 98002, 98003, 98023, 98070, 98332, 98335, 98501, 98502, 98503,  98506, 98512, 98513, 98516, 98371, 98372, 98373, 98374, 98375, 98388, 98391, 98402, 98403, 98404, 98405, 98406, 98407, 98408, 98409, 98418, 98422, 98424, 98443, 98444, 98445, 98446, 98465, 98466, 98467, 98498

Skagit area
Clear plastic clamshells are available to Ridwell members in the following zip codes: 98221, 98233, 98273, 98274, 98225, 98226, 98229, 98230, 98240, 98248, 98225, 98229


If your area isn't included above, then we are unable to take clamshells in your neighborhood at this time. As we learn more we hope to be able to expand this service, and we are grateful for your patience in the meantime!


Keywords: clam, shell, clam shells

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