How do I let you know if I have extra or more than fits in the bin for my pickup?

Written by Ellen updated 7 mths ago
  • updated 7 mths ago

Is your bin too full? Have some overflow that just doesn't fit? We've got you covered!

Members on our Unlimited plan can add extra bags of core category items to any pickup free of cost! Just place your items in closed plastic bags up to 30 gallon size and 30 pounds or less, label them "Ridwell", and leave them by your bin for pickup. If you'll have more than 5 extra bags please let us know by emailing us at help@ridwell.com or texting us at 888-982-7885.

Members on our Classic and Plastic Plus plans can can add up to five bags of extra core items to any pickup as Beyond the Bin for a small add-on fee. Beyond the Bin bags can be added via your member dashboard up until 8pm the night before your pickup. That way we are able to plan on sending the right vehicle to accommodate for extra items, and let the driver know to expect them!

Check out our step-by-step instructions on how to add Beyond the Bin bags to a pickup!

You can place Beyond the Bin items in any closed plastic bag of your choice - anything up to 30-gallon garbage bags are fine, we just ask that you keep these to 30 pounds or less. If you could please label the bags "Ridwell", we'd appreciate it!

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