How do I let you know if I want to change the location of my bin on pickup days?

Written by Ellen updated 1 yr ago
  • updated 1 yr ago

Have a tiny front porch, or no porch at all? Prefer to keep your bin in a back alley or near a side door? No problem! We’re happy to pick up from anywhere that is easily accessible to our drivers. If you want or need to move your bin, please send us an email at help@ridwell.com. Any notes our members provide on bin location (even if it feels like it’s in an obvious spot!) are helpful and appreciated!

We can add bin location details to your secure account notes so that our drivers know exactly where to locate your bin on pickup days. We just ask for 1-2 sentences with a helpful description of where to find your bin when drivers arrive at your address.

Not sure where to put your bin? Here are some common places!

  • On the front porch
  • In a back alley
  • Next to a side door
  • By your garage
  • In a carport
  • On a back or side deck
  • On, near, or beneath stairs
  • Inside a gate (let us know if we need to do anything to unlock it!)
  • Outside an apartment or condo building
  • In a building lobby (let us know if we'll need to use a code or call box for access!)
  • In a parking lot or trash collection area


Keywords: box, container

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