How do I find out what items you take in each category?
The best way to find what items we take is to check your member dashboard or visit our categories page.
The categories and items we can take vary by location and plan type, so we always recommend checking your dashboard or the categories page for the most accurate information. However, here are some basics to get you started:
Plastic film: bubble wrap, ziploc bags, air pillows, blue & white Amazon mailers, plastic grocery bags
Multi-layer plastic: food bags (plastic bags that hold things like nuts, dried fruit, or other snacks), frozen food bags, granola and energy bar wrappers, chip bags
Threads: clothes, shoes, fabric scraps, towels, blankets, hats
Light bulbs: LEDs, CFLs, incandescent, halogen
Batteries: alkaline batteries, rechargeable batteries, small electronics batteries, hearing aid batteries